God gave us his amazing grace not only as a means of saving our souls,
but to give us an example to follow in order for us to administer
grace to other believers. Giving grace to those we interact with is not
always easy and it does not come naturally with any of us, but we can
change that. Using Christ as a comparison and an example, we can see how
we too can bestow grace to those around us. [John 13:15 "For I have
given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you."
1 Peter 2:21 "For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also
suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his
In the Bible, you find grace often paired with "in the sight" or
"in the eyes". Although grace has many uses, there is a form of grace that requires
us to change how we view people. Our eyes are the windows to our soul, and
what we see evokes thoughts in our hearts. It is easy to be critical of others
and to assume the worst based on what we see. We don't ask questions,
we just automatically form an opinion of them based solely on how we perceive
that person. If you are always wearing tinted glasses, it's going to affect your
perception of people. Our sight improves when we take off those tinted
glasses of presumption and we begin seeing people with the aid of grace.
When we are lost, God sees us in our sin - we are covered in the filth
of our wrong doings. When we accept Christ as our Saviour, God changes
his view of us. We are no longer sinners in his sight, he doesn't see
our sin any more. Grace steps in, and we become sinless through his
eyes, we become as his precious Son. He views us differently and then
has a love for us that goes beyond our comprehension. He knows what
we were and who we are, but he sets that aside and chooses to see us with a
different perspective. We must also make the choice to view others
differently, to set aside their faults and give them the same grace
that God gives us.