Monday, April 04, 2011

Closer To Christ

 How can we help others get Closer to Christ? This is the question I have for you, believer. When you got saved, you took on the responsibility of the Ministry of Reconciliation. The Ministry of Reconciliation is bringing others Closer to Christ, whether they are lost or saved. Most of the time, we don't act like Christians:
  • We don't witness like we should.
  • We don't encourage each other in the faith like we should.
  • We forget about our fellow believers possibly falling into sin.
  • We fall into apostasy and sin ourselves.
All the while, we are interested in only ourselves and how we can look good compared to everyone else. Wake Up, Believer! It is time to actively start your Ministry of Reconciliation. It is time to bring people Closer to Christ!
   There are countless unsaved souls that need to be shown how to get saved. Will you show them how to get Closer to Christ?
   There are many, who are saved, that have left God behind to chase after the world. These believers need to be shown that God is willing to receive them and help them get Closer to Christ.
   There are still others who are saved that are playing the "Christian Game." They need to be shown why they should continue being a Christian, and to let God use them in a miraculous way. Closer to Christ IS the place to be!
   Last, but not least, there is you. You need to be carefu not to fall into the sin of self-righteousness (or any other sin for that matter). Give God the glory. Get Closer to Christ.
   Please join me in the Ministry of Reconciliation and start serving the Lord Jesus Christ today!

"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen." -  Romans 16:24

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